My opinion on drugs, just tax weed allready.

The government should just legalize weed all ready, as it’ll release innocent men from jail and will allow the government to stave of the deficit. The war on drugs as been nothing but failure. Republicans themselves however seem to support nothing failure for the past twenty years.

However, all forms of legalized cocaine(aka Ritalin) should be made illegal, as it allows feminists to suppress boys who teachers view as troublesome. In later life as men they will develop emotional problems and may even need to be on anti depressants. Legalized cocaine is just another way to support the feminist supported oligarchy.
I know didn’t help me any. As a twenty five year old man, I have trouble understand my own emotions, and I’m starting to suspect that I might even have the OCD.  Thanks feminism.

Another reason I bash feminism and American women

You won’t be getting any respect from me when the American skank holds an attitude that makes me want to treat all people like human garbage. You have no right to complain when your rejected for being a fat cow when you reject shorter man. It is possible to loose weight, but impossible for a man to grow taller to the six foot dumb ass you fantasize about.

Cloverfield :Source , Half Life 2 converstion

Heads up kaiju fans.The last Cloverfield style mod switched to the Unreal engine. This time it’s actually set in the Cloverfield universe instead being based on it.

The video allows you to see how advanced the animation and physics of the Source Engine are compared to most newer games.

I’ll get back to commenting on the stupidity of feminists and Republicans soon.

Meet the Spy, and Team Fortress 2 is $10 dollars this weekend only.

Other then bitching about slutty bratty feminists and moron Republicans, I sometimes post blogs about video games.

Go buy TF2 ten dollars this weekend only, then while you wait for it to download, get some laughs by Meeting the Spy.

If you don’t have Steam installed do it, its the one anti pirating software that doesn’t fuck up your computer. Plus more, sometimes they have discounts that cannot be found anywhere else. Which is great for a cheap ass like me.

Keith Olbermann comments on Texas stupidty

Keith Olbermann should change his to Ownbermann, because he gets straight to the point if Texas were to separate from the rest of the country and loose all the money they get from the Federal Government.

If Texas really did succeed from the Union, I’d buy an HK 416 upper receiver, and then sign up for the Army (even if I didn’t need the money and extra socialist benefits) so I would get a chance to shoot hicks, and other white trash. Separatist is really nothing more then just another word for terrorist.

As Keith said, don’t let Oklahoma hit your ass on the way out. Anyways watch the video.

Reagan was a socialist, Feminism is Marxism
The Republicans wouldn’t dare go after social security and say it needs to be abolished.
However they forget that saint Reagan was a socialist by giving money to the rich.

I also criticized feminism, because women are unwilling to criticize each other, even those that have more money then themselves, the Oligarchy will remain in power. They keep going after the thug skanks and man whores so the nice guys considers he choices and will seek out foreign women to date instead of the sluts who seek abuse and drama. Homosexuals are not ruining marriage, the overly feminized divorce industry is.

Let’s see there’s a war brewing with in the GOP, and war brewing with in the feminists, I need some more popcorn.

Black Mesa trailer music

Remember this trailer for Black Mesa a few months back, now you can get the music from it. It’s by their composer Joel Nielsen , who will remake most of the music from Half Life due to copy wright issues. Most of the music from a ten year old game would sound dated anyways.

Some music from the mod can be downloaded here. I’ve replaced the final boss music in Half Life and Half Life:Source with the trailer music.

Also (imitates the voice of the Gman) "Prepare for unforeseen consequences".

Stick a fork in the GOP, it’s done.

It also smells rotten. Their inability offer solutions to fix problems they created, not caring about the suffering of the American people,aliening moderates ,calling progress socialist, ignoring the environment,pandering to religious morons ,failure to capture Osama Bin Ladin by ignoring Afghanistan and Pakistan and have done nothing but bitch for the past three months.

I’m going to jump ship to the Democrats when I get my drivers license next month.

Here’s a joke just in time for Mothers day.

A discussion between a mother and child.

Child: Mommy, why is daddy in jail?

Mother: Because Daddy is a deadbeat who refused to give mommy ninety nine percent of his paycheck after the divorce and live under an overpass like a good man. Here sweaty , take these pills while I take the Benz to go on a date with my new boyfriend. The baby sitter will be here in an hour.

And such ends my commentary of the divorce industry. If your mother (birth mother or not) isn’t as horrible as the skank described here remember to thank her this Mother’s day. Good thing my mom was never that greedy, but there are many that are. I think she works with some of those skanks though.