Evidence backs up about what I’ve been saying all along about female sexual predators


Feminists would still justify this deviant sexual behavior by claiming  "she is a victim too, bawwwh!" Of course this anti-intellectual mindset also spews one liners like "He wanted it" and that it’s " a right of passage". Of course even the quotes have them justifying their criminal behavior. really sicking. No wonder I say atheists on the only people with any real morals. Link to toy soldiers because a feminist blogging whore or mangina would say "it’s natural".

Where’s that asshole Chris Hanson when you need him?

Senate Democrats(and feminists ) have thrown young people under the bus


The Senate Democrats have betrayed the young people of America.
Extending Medicare to old people under fifty five who don’t deserve it? What the fuck? The stupid boomers who spend it on super expensive cars for themselves, and cougar adoring mangina or sluts into marrying them so they can feel "sexy" and "youthful". What the fuck Senate Democrats?

For this act of treachery I hope medicare and social security fails, because they have betrayed their grandchildren, their sons, and their daughters. That’s it, if they try to force me to buy expensive insurance that I can’t for the life of me will never be able to afford I’ll be calling the Cochran firm to form a lawsuit instead. It certainly is a much better use of my money then private health insurance, I know I can’t afford the Maryland Health Insurance Plan that the state offers and I don’t want to deal with HMO’s.

If this bullshit passed Obama will be a one term President, as I doubt the men and women around my age group who voted for him will to do so now. It’s quite obvious that the mangina in chief doesn’t care about main street, but Wall street on the other hand…….
Senate Republicans and Democrats have shown as their true colors, Conservatives a color slimier to one you puke out stomach acid and the Democrats yellow. Go fuck yourselves DC Villagers, you people have done nothing but show the rest of America that your complacent with the bullshit that goes on Capital Hill for far too long. I know some of you may think I’m over reacting, but this is the typical bullshit Marylanders like myself have witnessed from the Villagers for years.
 Seriously, the center right morons of the Village have been nothing been nothing but a fucking disappointment. Their complacency with the status-quo has been evident ever since the Bush Administration let big business(conservative
manginas who call people sexist for criticizing someone with a cunt are hypocrites) , Feminism and Wall Street to run wild.


Now they have another compromise. This is health plans run by the Office of Personnel Management, effectively throwing out the public option and giving bail outs for the insurance companies. This is just a worthless hand out like a "health-care coupon" for people twenty to thirty five and socialism for the rich, boomers and the rest of the snobs.
I think it’s time to take down the District’s "House of Lords". If they really gave a flying shit they would have forced single payer down the conservative Democrats throats by using budget reconciliation. Now it’s just obvious that the "House of Lords" just doesn’t care.

If you don’t think feminism only cares about rich white women, then see this http://glennsacks.com/blog/?p=4437. NOW going on about cosmetic and plastic surgery taxes is the kind of shit they have been focusing instead of single payer. Pathetic, and the so called real "feminists" have done nothing but make excuses. Thanks for throwing your, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters under the bus so you can justify female vanity, instead of fighting for single payer or at least the public option like you should have been doing.

As far as I’m concerned real liberalism is dying. Big business,
feminist and Wall Street (those three things may as well be one in the
same) support of the House of lords is the coffin.

Turns its the worthless public trigger option. Way to fail there Harry Reid and President Obama. Looks like the only change we’re getting is to the insurance companies.

Femenist apologism of female criminals

Usually, I take swipes at the right wing morons after I criticize the feminists, but enablers and excuse makers for crimes committed by women has forced me to focus on Feminism again.

First up Toy Soldiers covers the fail that is Jeff Fecke and his apologism and denialism of female sexual predators.
"The bloggers at Alas, a blog have a notorious history of denialism and apologism when it comes to discussing male rape victims."

"The weather is as usual. What specifically gets to me about feminist
articles regarding male victimization is the hypothetical tone
employed. It is as if they are not talking about real experiences, real
events, real crimes, but rather some sort of thought experiment about
what male rape would look like if it happened. I think that is the true distinction. With female rape it is when it happens; with male rape it is if
it happens. I suppose that feminists like Fecke have that luxury as
they typically are not confronted with the reality of male
victimization, particularly at the hands of women. It is easy to take
that kind of tone when one never has to deal with the impact it has on
male victims."

This is pretty much what I mean when I say feminists have a double stranded towards crimes committed by women. In my last blog I did remember stating that "Of course, the most accurate definition of patriarchy is "Men who women
are attracted too" which happens to be the right wing snobs, homosexual
men, and thugina their attracted too. So patriarchy translates and can be
defined as "female sexuality", so when feminists recite their
favorite slogan do not be afraid to correct them. As for female sexuality
harming men I happen to agree, but that’s for another blog post. Before some
pseudo intellectual tries to twist my words. "Matriarchy" can also be
defined as "female sexuality" where women use their sexual power to
manipulate gullible boys and young men.
It can also cause damage to other women as well, as the feminist bible the
"Vagina Monologues" states that the rape of a young teenage girl is
"empowerment". Much like seducing young boys or drunken men into sex
is also "empowerment" and that he "wanted it".
A few paragraphs later I stated. "
When a man is raped, feminists engage in a double stranded. They question
weather a man was raped, by another man or a woman. Of course I suspect it’s
because the Americanized whore is turned on by a man being sexuality assaulted,
yoai fangirls weren’t the first to masturbate to male rape, but (feminists) did set the
precedent by ignoring it and telling the straight male rape victim to "man
up". Remember what I said about female sexuality harming men?

Of course once again, as Toy Soldiers points out. They still give female sexual predators excuses to rape by saying things like "She’s a victim too" ,"it’s worse when a man does it" and " not an issue generally worthy of concern".Indeed it is over ten times harder to admit to being a raped when the female apologists question a man’s sexuality for coming forward, or saying that "He should consider himself lucky" Words like that do nothing but making excuse for female criminals by allowing them to continue abusing boys and young men.
Even the justice system is skewered for the benefit women, as they general receive lighter sentences for violent crimes then men. I suspect criminal behavior being closer to forty-sixty because if the right wing media reported the truth about female crime statistics, they would loose funding and ratings.

 As Toy Soldier found a feminist who seems to be trying to keep things a little balanced.  Though a few days later Amanda Hess shows her true colors as one those ignorant D.C. villagers that we people in Maryland despise so much, as he latest blog gives the tired old latest "patriarchy" bullshit.

Factory himself calls them out for it as well, I look forward to his next rant against the moronic villagers.

"Hmm, more “reasoned Feminists”?

You know, if Feminists spent anywhere NEAR as much energy actually
listening to MRAs (as opposed to trying to thrust your own agenda upon
us) as you do trying to ridicule us (see: Ghandi)…well, you might just
have a foundation for your argument.

As it stands, this poor attempt at “understanding” definitely
illuminates both for it’s rarity, and the typical paucity of substance

For the record, Feminists have about as much right to dictate what
men want and need as MRAs do to dictate the needs of women. And there’s
no “Hierarchy of Rights” (officially)..if you as a woman have a right,
then I as a man should have the same right..

Keep that in mind."

Factory’s own Youtube rants allowed me to realize that "Patriarchy" is "Men that women are attracted too", equals "female sexuality". Thus nothing more then an ad hominem attack that is meant to trick men into giving up their agency and individuality.


"Likewise, feminists and men’s rights advocates have a lot in common, starting with both groups preposterously blaming all men and all feminists for all
the problems their respective groups face. However, like the religious,
feminists very rarely entertain the possibility that their views are
wrong, skewed or unproven. Neither side thinks highly of each other,
but men’s groups are actually willing to engage in debate and
conversation, to look at various statistics and studies and to examine
feminist positions. Feminists typically do not examine the men’s
groups’ position with any seriousness, often dismissing issues like
male rape, male victims of domestic violence, male suicide, father’s
rights and men’s health as “MRA bullshit.” That presents a difficult
situation in which one side thinks they are always right and knows
everything there is to know while the other side thinks they are right
and have to combat the severely delusional."

Next up is female murderers. Apparently feminists want to keep this little whore out of jail.  If her DNA evidence was found at the screen of the crime, it’s more then fair to put her in jail just like her two male co-conspirators. The American skanks won’t stop until as many men as possible for committing crimes. However in this case the men are just as guilty, They proberly did it for the promise of sex as the American whore typically desires to bring down as many males with her as possible.


"As expected, Hugo is already active – of course no word about that she
accused another unrelated innocent man for murder, to clear herself.

His conclusions are somewhat strange or baseless, at least for me." – yohan

"Wow . . . what a crock of shit. Most women like that get a slap on the wrist.

Knox isn’t directly involved with this as the doubters claim, she’s an
accomplice in the very least. Not to mention scapegoating someone else."
– Sociopathic Revelation.

Instead of posting links to the Captain Save ho’s blogs I only posted links and quotes from MRA websites. This is because the center right TV networks will only give you the feminist perceptive and claim that a female perpetrator is innocent and a "victim too" regardless of the evidence against them.

Feminists are siding with Conservatives to deny people of their rights

What the
mangina collaborationists, thugina and the women that who use these anti and
pseudo intellectual morons won’t tell is that these traitors are committing
acts of treachery against those who refuse to accept their fear mongering

One the things they sweep under the rug is that feminists are ignore the
collage gender gap.
Here is a post from Huffington post calling out the Michelle Obama for ignoring
the plight of men my age.

The false rape society has re-posted statements that support this. I know it
came from another MRA website some were before then, but I cant it on Google.


"When girls supposedly were behind boys in educational achievement, most
men agreed there was a problem with the schools; now that it’s clear boys are,
in fact, behind girls in every indicia of educational achievement, women insist
the problem is the boys and that the schools are just fine."

Of course it also points out the whores contradict themselves.

"When men outearned women, women were oppressed because the wage
differential could only mean discrimination; now that young women outearn young
men in urban settings, women are oppressed because they can’t find mates
who are their intellectual peers."

The western woman doesn’t deserve a man who is her intellectual equal, it
really is nothing short of poetic justice that they have settle for scumbags, one
night stands and rich ugly asshole Conservatives. The intelligent men of this
country are realizing that dating any here just isn’t worth it, and going with
women who haven’t been brainwashed by imperialist dogma.
Feminists are attracted to the right wing mangina because they have money,
while fantasizing over gay men because the whores want something they can’t
have. Even using dirty tricks to get the pussy whipped men to do their dirty
work in exchange for a blow job. Then expects the wannabe intellectual moron to
marry her after her pussy has been turned black by her rich ex-husband and too
far stretched out for the largest of penises after giving birth to more then
two children.

Thus the truly intelligent men are going for f origin women have not been
brainwashed. Of course, because their jealousy towards other women, feminists
rally for war to deny against other countries to deny man and women who are not
brainwashed of happiness.

In fact Switzerland
feminists have sided with the right wing to ban minarets to force their fascist
belief system upon the Muslim people. As an atheist, I know that banning
religious symbols is not the way to enlighten people about their deluded
beliefs. They sided with the right wing just because something resemble a
penis, what next banning all tubes because they look vaguely like a dick?
John Stewart put it best "Banning houses of worship is the first step of
ethnic cleansing" Now you know why I call feminism a racist ideology.

However they may bitch about male power and the patriarchy, but before I move I
need decode these words. Power as explained by more prominent Men’s rights
activist can be broken down into agency and identity. So in essence the goal is
to shame men into giving up their rights as an individual. To sum it, this
translates to "Shut up and know your place, boy" under the
Of course, the most accurate definition of patriarchy is "Men who women
are attracted too" which happens to be the right wing snobs, homosexual
men, and thugina their attracted too. So patriarchy translates and can be
defined as "female sexuality", so when feminists recite their
favorite slogan do not be afraid to correct them. As for female sexuality
harming men I happen to agree, but that’s for another blog post. Before some
pseudo intellectual tries to twist my words. "Matriarchy" can also be
defined as "female sexuality" where women use their sexual power to
manipulate gullible boys and young men.
It can also cause damage to other women as well, as the feminist bible the
"Vagina Monologues" states that the rape of a young teenage girl is
"empowerment". Much like seducing young boys or drunken men into sex
is also "empowerment" and that he "wanted it".

Now, back to the subject. Feminists have sided with the right wing warmongers
to drum up support for the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
In an attempt to "liberate those poor oppressed unenlightened women"
When evidence points that women had more rights under Saddam, then under the
corrupt government they now have.


"Under Saddam, she said, "women could go out to work, university, and
get married or divorced in civil courts. But at the moment women have lost
almost all their rights and are being pushed back into the corner of their
The recent constitution, which was written under the U.S. government’s supervision, is
"very backward and anti-women," Mahmoud said. "They make Islam
the source for lawmaking, and the main official religion of the country. This
in itself means Islamic Sharia law, and according to this, women will be
considered second-class citizens and will have no power in deciding over their

So in an odd irony, now it is the fault of the feminists that Muslim women will
be subject to Sharia law. Saddam himself was guilty of atrocities against both
men and women. They tend to ignore how many were man killed under his regime,
but they seem to only care about female victims of any crime, unless it happens
to be a gay man their sexually attracted too.
I remember a video that recorded a rant from an Iraqi woman with an engineering
degree backing up the fact that Iraq
is now worse under the feminist supported occupation. Feminists are going to
spend decades apologizing for that screw up, which is just more poetic justice.

Of course, when their failing at "liberating those poor women" in the
middle and far east. They wage war against their own brothers and sons in the
West, In Australia, misandry is at its worse.  http://australianmisandry.blogspot.com/2009/11/beware-boys-australian-female-taliban.html
Over there the media seems to be going out of its way to cover up any evidence
of female crime. Disgusting isn’t it?

They seem to have gone as so far to as to use a Nazi like indoctrination upon
boys and girls by forcing them into compulsory indoctrination programs. Of
course this is how the national socialist party grew to power in Germany during
the late 1930’s, by claiming to be victims of the Jews. Much like how feminists
claim how all women victims regardless if they commit acts of domestic
violence, murder or rape. Even if no man is involved in their actions and
personal choices.

The media was rather perplexed when a Sunday school teacher raped and killed an
eight year old girl. As they usually blame men when a woman comets a horrific
crime. However here there is no man to blame, Melissa Huckaby acted alone, but
to this day the feminists are searching for a man to blame so they can put him
in jail in place of a woman.

When a man is raped, feminists engage in a double stranded. They question
weather a man was raped, by another man or a woman. Of course I suspect it’s
because the Americanized whore is turned on by a man being sexuality assaulted,
yoai fangirls weren’t the first to masturbate to male rape, but did set the
precedent by ignoring it and telling the straight male rape victim to "man
up". Remember what I said about female sexuality harming men?

Here’s story from the false rape society that about their double standard.

"Worse are the comments under the story.  Victim blaming doesn’t
apply to males raped behind bars — they are getting what they deserve. 

There you have it.  A female alleging rape is a national crisis, and the
male(s) she accused are de facto
criminals, guilty until proven innocent.  On the other hand, a male
alleging rape might have been
raped — or he just as easily might be lying.  Rape has become so
terribly gender politicized that even questioning a female’s rape allegation
makes one a misogynist.  But a rape claim by a 17-year-old boy in
jail for shoplifting?  Few people care about him, aside from his
father and some of us.  His victimization is not equal to the
victimization of a female.

There is, of course, something terrible, something immoral about this
double standard, and we need to speak up about it. "

When the liberals began to refuse to fallow the feminists blindly, they will
began prostitute themselves and ally themselves with the conservatives to deny
the rights of men and women who refuse to be sheeple. This leads me to surmise
that the feminists are basically the Democrats equivalent of the tea baggers.
Using fear mongering and hateful slogans to control the political discourse.

The failure here is that they used sex in a half assed attempt to give people
the illusion that men and women were equal, now it is women who are in the
leadership potions and they still continue to be complain because they can’t
handle the responsibility. I am reminded of what Peter Parker’s uncle Ben told
him before he became Spiderman "With great power comes great
responsibility". However responsibility without out the agency and identity
(i.e., Power) to use it is meaningless. Thus I won’t blame any man who refuses
to associate with the Americanize feminist whore. Power and responsibility
should be shared, not redistributed. Though any feminists never talks about
giving women any share of responsibility.

The solution here would be instead of sexuality equality, intellectual
equality. However that would require women to work hard and become equals with
men mentally. Feminists underestimating both sexes decided to dumb men down by
using sex as their weapon of choice instead. In that respect they have
succeeded, as looks, game, and swagger are now more valued then intelligence.
To tell another man their stupid is being an asshole or a "queer",
while telling a woman she is stupid "sexist" and then questions their
sexuality. I really doubt intellectual plain will be even until more women start
thinking without their "feelings".  

Of course here in lies another contradiction.

"Women say they want men to be less "manly" and more sensitive
and caring; those same women refuse to date actual men who are more sensitive
and caring because they aren’t sufficiently "manly."

Touchy feely politically correct bullshit is the main reason "Nidal Malik
Hasan" was able to get far enough to shoot and kill his fellow soldiers. I
am no means blaming feminists for his actions, but a delusional belief in a sky
fairy is what causes a conflict of interest in regard a person’s loyalty to
their country. (yes I am saying that all people who believe in a god are
potential terrorists)

What feminists are doing is forcing political correctness down people’s
throats. This is turn alienates the intellectuals, thus turning their fellow
"liberals" against them. So in order to implement their goals of
shackling and suppress those who won’t fallow their doctrine, feminists in the
near future will have no choice but ally themselves with the conservatives.
Like the conservatives and feminists of Switzerland
or the fail that is centrist Labor party such as in Australia.

Yes I did blame feminists for yoai and the marginalization of male rape, just
like I can blame them for Twilight for making sissies called
"vampires" the bad boy flavor of the decade. http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c241/Velocity06/TwilightMoms2.jpg
(yeah that comes from an MRA website)
Of course, I would expect my claims to be dismissed as an ultra leftist
conspiracy theorist just because I’m not rich, a woman, gay, or anything one
else the feminist whore is attracted too. It would be typical of the
matriarchal underclass.
Remember it is feminists who stabbed their fellow liberals in the back first,
so it is more then fair to respond in kind.

Commantary about the area I live in

As I stated before I moved to Fredrick County Maryland a while, so now It’s time I make observations in my usual style.
First off the cops, or at least the highway patrol have Ford Mustangs as their interceptors. For all the money they waste on speed freak pigs that they could using the money to extend the DC metro up here.

The Second because Buckeystown is so almost as big as Fredrick, so we have two malls in this county. The Fredrick town mall is run down and seems to be a breeding ground for the thugina gangsters during the day and frequented by old people at night. In retrospect I should buy a USP match now that I’m closer to Baltimore and DC, or learn knife wielding Martial arts.

While the Francis Scott Key is the only one worth even wasting your time with in Western Maryland. That Statement is biased because of the Japanese restaurant there, and the fact that they sell mixed drinks with hard liquor. No rice wine for this quarter Asian guy.

Third is that Fort Detrick has an arm of the National Cancer Institute there, no ranting just throwing that out there. Though personally I think they should be dedicating more research towards testicular cancer(stop laughing western feminist whores), because last time I checked a majority of our service members are men.

Don’t worry folks, I’ll return to mocking right wing retards and Feminist imperialists(of course those two words are now one in the same) soon as I can. Many things will be on hold until I sort my life out to where I want it to be.