Al Franken finally after 8 months decleared winner

Norm Coleman finally does the right thing and concedes after the Minnesota Supreme court declares Al Franken the winner of last year’s Senate election.
I fully expect the intellectually inferior on the right wing to start bitching like the pussy whipped wimps they are.(Trust me they are, or else they wouldn’t be propping up that whore Sarah Palin) I look froward to seeing their bitching on Countdown and Rachel maddow show on MSNBC, and the commentary about their bawling.
Now to do something about those spineless moderate Demo’s(Democrats in name only.) Now that the Democrats have a super majority it’ll be that much easier to weed them out.

Republicans are anti reality and Anti American

Now that I targeted one group of morons, its time for me to
make statements about the other group of idiots I openly loath.

It’s now quite obvious that those on the right don’t have
the interest of serving the American people on their agenda. Anybody who
doesn’t see this has to be extremely delusional.

They have rich white people giving people "news"
on the Fox channel, a fat ass that pops pills and takes vacations to have sex
with children in the Dominican Republic,
Uncle Tom’s like Mikhail Steele and that cross eyed asshole Ron Christie, and
that dumb ass opportunist cunt from Alaska.
Along with other token minority members as well.

For years, they’ve been trying to make sure marriage is for
rich straight couples. That asshole Romney said it was a privilege, of course
"privilege" is their code word for rich. Attempting to pass off
religious believe as science. Intelligent Design my ass. Making half assed
attempts to rewrite history, such as saying that the founding fathers where Christian,
when they were not, they were Deist. Saying WWII got us out the Great
Depression when it really was the New Deal that allowed America to even
build all those weapons. While the members of the Bush Administration lie about
how they failed to keep our country safe for the past eight years. Having the
audacity to blame recent Domestic Terrorist violence on the left when it is
obviously their own racist and anti Semitic rhetoric and views that emboldens
the nut jobs.

The morons of the far right seem to believe in an America
that doesn’t exist, one were we don’t have to pay taxes, which would be
Communism. One were all people believe in their non existent sky pimp. Where
being a real man is judged by how much money you make.(Third wave feminists
want their men to have six figure incomes while sleeping around like whores)
While all answers to every test question about science and history is that
their sky pimp did it.


For future reference Sky Pimp refers to the Christian –Islamic
–Judaic god. Something I picked up from viewing MRA websites to criticize Christian
feminist skanks.


They live in a fantasy world were the American people want
what they do, but that obviously isn’t the case. The current path will make
them go the way of the Whig party, which I say is a good thing.

Universal health care is what the people want, but they
listen to the insurance and drug companies instead. They say that Bush
inherited a recession when it was a surplus during the Clinton years. Insist that this is Obama’s
recession when the stock market crashed twice on their watch during the last
eight years. They want the American working and middle classes to live in
poverty. While the corporations get horde all the money, then sending our troops to a war for oil instead of going after Osama Bin Ladin.

Finally, it was a fact that their Saint Ronnie(Ronald Regan)
was a socialist, but they ignore that because his brand of socialism gave money
to the rich.


Those on the right hate America as it stands, and the
American people who don’t agree with their diluted hateful hypocritical views.
When they speak about "America"
or "a majority of American people" it is their fabrications of the
facts, as that "majority" or their view of "American"
doesn’t exist in real life. The fact is those on the right hate America and the
American people as it currently stands.

Note that I criticized feminists again as well, the original rant was supposed to be about Feminists and Republicans and how they are anti reality.

Why I don’t want to date Americain women anymore.

There are two things I complain the most about here, Feminists and Republicans.

To all Feminist Western women (American,Australasian,British, etc.) who say they can’t find any nice guys. Your stupid , your the reason nice guys become jerks, because you reject them for superfluous reasons such as being not exciting enough, not having a six figure income, or for being too short. The western Feminist women reject the nice guy for the thug, the bad boy, the primordial Alpha male of centuries past, instead of the twenty first century intelligent guy who isn’t a muscled up jerk, criminal or player.
Then you wonder why they become such jerks, it’s your fault the nice guy doesn’t want your baggy pussy anymore and wants nothing to do with you. The arrogance of Feminists are the reason the nice guy dates foreign women who are not narcissistic.
Of course the Feminists are dumb enough to give you a straw argument of the nice girl/women that the claim an unattractive women to be. If your not at least a "seven" on the scale of one through ten you don’t count as a nice women, if your overweight while not trying to improve your looks you do not count as a nice woman. Big beautiful women my ass, more like big beached whale. If your an arrogant dumb bitch who is into pointless shit like  "yoai" "Twilight" "Inuyasha" or "Eco Terrorism" , you don’t count as a nice women.
As for older women, Younger men only want attractive women in their forties with children as a quick screw, not dating or marriage. That’s just how reality is ladies.

You also have no right to call a any foreign women a skank or whore because she dates an American man, when you do nothing but party and act like slut. It also makes Feminist women look like  racist and xenophobic when they do make these comments about other women.

Screw dating the Americanized skank, I’m looking into studying aboard when I start collage again. Since I live in Maryland, I’ll only to have to wait a few more months to get myself into a better dating pool via a local community collage program. Most non feminist industrialized nations also have better broadband access too. So I won’t be missing out on much.

Some links on how much feminism has ruined women. On how feminism has made women greedy This guy has been rejected by the Americanized skanks for being to short. Why it’s better to date and marry foreign women An American woman commenting on what her friends are like Fact, black women only date thugs.

I’ll post my rant against Republicans in two days, as their doing shit that make me think their a bunch of dumb asses as well. This rant against feminism went longer then I thought it would be.

Woman to stupid to be a mother

google link

I’ll post a proper link when MSN or another news source that is less biased has their own article on it. I really don’t understand how people could have compassion towards this near retarded woman who decided to have sex with some random man and have a child. Anybody who doesn’t have at least an IQ of 90 shouldn’t be allowed to have children. She even looks like she’s dumb Chav eurotrash.