Why I dumped astrology for the most part

The only thing astrology seems useful to me now is dating so can I tell if a women is psycho right off the bat if she doesn’t meet the stand profile for compatible signs for a Taurus. Since most American women are psychotic anyways they usually wouldn’t. Since I’m going be learning German with Rosetta Stone I’ll soon have a superior dating pool of non feminist indoctrinated European women to choose from.

Also ever since Astrocenter dumped their video horoscopes it just wastes thirty minutes of my time a day just to read their written crap. So now I just use it to see if any woman is worth dating personality wise. As for why I don’t want to date American women, see this picture http://cid-84eb7b53fbff1aba.photos.live.com/self.aspx/foreign%20women%20are%20better/europevsus.jpg and look up Leykis 101.