Hurricane Sandy aftermath: Climate change is the elephant in the room


One of the major fails of our media coverage about Hurricane Sandy is the biggest elephant in the room that most people avert their eyes too. There are even several posts on this website made by denialist cooperate morons(at least one is a fur fag so that makes his credibility questionable) and the dumbest members of dA agree with them. A hundred dollar toy doesn’t make you an expert on anything anymore than wearing an army uniform and an M16 make you a soldier without

The only network that even had serious discussion about climate change is Current TV, so much for the the right wing myth of a liberal media. The network barely has anything that can called news except for four hours daily. Their still fail though as much of their coverage was based around the election.

Of course right wing nut jobs would say that Obama has a pro global warming agenda because of the appearance of one the administration’s adviser. However a a Professor is a lot more credible than a right wing blogger. Hurricanes in the North East were quite rare until last year as until Irene in 2011.

Not even the fail that is MSNBC had that much while I was watching online streams. The joke being that NBC is liberal when its mostly DC villager talking points all day except Prime time and Martin Bashir. America has become the opposite of Winston Churchill’s times. Liberal is the thinking of an adult, conservative is the mentally of a child. However evidence shows that even he did exactly what I just said and Britain’s political spectrum are nothing like ours.

Such childish thinking is why morons like Bob Lutz was fired from GM.

If you still deny that Climate Change isn’t happening your a right wing moron that frequents right wing corporate propaganda blogs while trumpeting anti science false hoods as facts. As the deaths of Hurricane Sandy victims are on you.

They say there is another guy with the same username as me out there

I learned something from the recent wfp+(white female privilege plus aka atheism plus) debacle. I am indeed the author of the definition on Urban Dictionary. I could have done worse and added more race baiting language like I just did.

Apparently this guy is some femi moron who goes by just Oolon. My user name comes from a book by the great late author Douglas Adams of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy . My user handle  is coined after a character that he created named Oolon Colluphid, and the author of books on using the Babel fish to disprove god. I have no idea who this other moron is.

Here is the reason I am an anti-feminist . You dumb fuckers have been laxed & selective in your outrage tactics just like the Republicans. That is not how liberals should act. Since when was this OK for supposed liberals to do?
Feminists and Republicans should be ashamed of themselves but you can’t shame people that are too dumb and ideological to have any.
I am so far to the fucking left I make most of the fucking femi’s look like Rockefeller Republicans . I also have a certain amount of Schadenfreude that leads to mock people that I perceive to be morons on any spectrum.

As a closer I’ll mangle a quote from the brilliant Lawrence O’Donnell ” “I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to ‘progressive’, ‘feminist’ or ‘atheist plus’. Liberals amuse me. I am a socialist. I lie to the extreme left, the extreme left of you mere liberals”.