Land Whale version of the Bachelor

Men who are attracted to the land whales must have some kinda of mental illness, this is just more narcissism from the westernized skanks. But this is what you get when you have a culture that idolizes sluts and with feminist organizations run by land whales.

I really wanted to post about something different this time, but I have to make people aware of a big example of "epic fail".

Feminist heightism, hypocrisy and racism.

Once again a Men’s Rights website discusses an issue I care about deeply, Heightism. However one would be hard pressed to find anything about the issue on Feminist websites other then blaming men for being too short or something.

I’ve seen several Youtube videos on the subject, that women refuse to date short men for no other reason, but are dumb enough to complain about men who find fat land whales to be physically repulsive. A short man could be attractive, have a six figure income, and studies martial arts, while the American whore will still go for the broke ass, tall bad boy who only knows homoerotic wrestling moves at best and has no money for a proper weapon to protect her from being mugged or raped.(I’m biased towards certain weapons, that is another subject altogether) A tall guy isn’t going to be any better then a short one. In fact some of the more famous martial artists are short. Bruce Lee, and Jet Li, are both very famous martial artists who are short men.
American women also tend to reject Asian men for no reason either.

I even made this post(!84EB7B53FBFF1ABA!207.entry) about a dumb skank who would even reject Jon Stewart host of the Daily Show for being too short. It’s like western Americanized women are still attracted to cave men or something.

Then there is the racism and xenophobia. Go to any feminist website and you will see them bashing women from Asia, South America and even east European women. Even spreading their hateful views to them. There seems to be some primordial hatred and jealousy towards women that are more attractive and more personable then they are.

It’s just not worth it dating Western black or white women act stuck up and snobby to just everyone they don’t like. How many times have you see one call another a more attractive woman they don’t like a slut, skank. or whore? Most likely, many.

Datable women don’t fantasize about gay men. They don’t give a damn about you anyways. Unless you want to be "Fag hag" for the rest of your life or date worthless mangina feminist men they can’t get themselves.
Here’s a post point out a dumb cunt complaining about dating a feminist man. It’s rather funny isn’t it? She really has no one to blame but herself. She’ll most likely cheat on him in the near future.

"I believe all marriage is wrong" -Robert Jebediah Freeman, Boondocks. Those are some words of wisdom right there.

Antietam cable: World’s worst internet provider

Once again I am complaining about Antietam Cable. Earlier today, internet and phone service went down for no reason. This wouldn’t be so bad if my mother didn’t need both to work from home, the fact your unable to reach them when things go bad, and the second time in a week this has happened. This is just inexcusable. Good thing the construction on the new house in Fredrick just started, as Comcast or Verizon will at least have their phone lines working when everything else goes down. I can’t wait until to use a more reliable cable, internet and phone provider once more.

Stats on Republican hypocrisy

Usually I would make a post criticizing third wave feminists after mocking the Republicans, but their just the source of amusement that keeps on giving.  In fact I’m pointing and laughing at it. According to the link, despite preaching about family values and morality, Republican states lead in divorce, teen pregnancy and online porn usage. So much for being the party of family values. Now excuse me as I continue to point and laugh.