Category Archives: News and politics

America is screwed

First off, good riddance to the Blue Dogs, who took a dump on the middle class at the behest of the Republicans. Now that the right wing has control of the House, Democrats should start moving further to the left obstruct the American Taliban’s radical agenda.(not likly now, they haven’t grown spines sense the 2010 election) However since our President is a Neo Liberal which means a Democrat in name only, Barrack Obama will be the black version of Jimmy Carter if he decides to continue his failed strategy of trying to get cooperation from the right wing.

As a Men’s rights Activist, it would be rather stupid to think that the Republicans won’t screw us over as well. While the bimbos they tried to elect the Senate failed, men and women of both parties in the Village still suffer from feminist political indoctrination. There really is no difference between a “good christian woman” and a liberal feminist, expect methodology.
In addition to taking a shit on Unions, gutting the middle class , destroying social security, medicare, & endless warfare. I foresee a Bachelor tax on the horizon, backed by feminists and the GOP.

You might think this is impossible but take a look as what happened in Sweden when Conservatives and Feminists banded together in Islamophiba to ban minarets. Because we only have two parties there are White Knight manginas on both sides of the isle. In fact I even entered a term for the Republican version on Urban This is because the American whore after having sex with dozens of men while cheating on and dumping their boyfriends or husbands, will be told by feminists that men who refuse to commit or marry is a new form of “oppression”. Feminists will start collaborating with Conservative Christians there’s a difference? to push this new tax, “to preserve the sanctity of marriage” so privileged white women will be able to pilfer bank accounts of more men. However I wont forgot not to exclude the political indoctrination that feminism is trying to push on minorities as they seemed to have been successful with black women in particular.

Men who are not pussy whipped and fed up with the selfish American sluts would do well to leave the country. As America will become an increasing more hostel to young men under thirty even without the Slut agenda. Men have all ready been surpassed by women in higher education according to recent polls, with both parties turning a blind eye to it.
Only a few months into 112th congress Minimum Wage will be at risk, funding for Pell Grants will not be renewed, the House will be on it’s way on trying to repel health care reform as pathetic as it is, & planning to go to war with Iran. Who’s going to fight them? Not women with Conservative and Liberal manginas in charge and feminists dragging their heels on allowing women to be deployed to the front lines, as there preoccupied with perpetuating the sexual grievance industry instead of helping with any real progressive causes.

The only logical option for men under thirty will be learning another language, and moving to another country for their benefit and better education. As the environment will be become toxic towards straight men whose families are not at least upper middle class, forcing over educated whores to settle for a rich asshole, street trash or become a lesbian if she wishes for a potential mate, which to me is poetic justice.

If Democrats don’t move further to the left, Jimmy Carter 2.0 in 2012 will end up with both houses full of Republicans and well on his way to being impeached for what ever reason they can find. Think they won’t, they impeached Bill Clinton for a blow job and he was a white guy!. Of course, this assumes that Obama isn’t primared from the left if he fails to do what the base asks of him. Compromising with Republicans will only harm the country even more.

Men’s right activist who think this a good thing for men are other stupid old farts, conservative manginas or idiots all together,because I said before feminism has indoctrinated members of both parties. Those of us who know better will be telling other men what we’ve been saying all along. Move out of the country, because a “good christian woman” is nothing but a myth pushed by born again whores and Conservative manginas.

As for me, I don’t have the patience anymore and will be twenty eight years old when the next elections take place. My plan is learning another language as soon as possible from one of those socialist countries Republicans are so afraid of. Men would do well to avoid Lavtia because that is the percent feminist model for the rest of the world link. Looks like a great model for the feminist dream to me.

I think my personal plan has a high chance to work out for the better, women from these Asian/European socialist lands are hotter, less slutty, more intelligent and have a higher chance of having intact hymens in my age group than their slutty counter parts here. Because if I remain a dateless virgin who still lives with his parents at over thirty years old, my hate for all will increase tenfold and waiting for Democrats to get there act together isn’t looking like a viable solution.
Expect more men to leave America when it becomes obvious when we’re a third world country, because a third world country is what we’ll be if Democrats don’t move further to the left themselves. Good luck with that, because I find it better to cut my loses instead of helping a party that takes a crap on it’s own base instead of listening to the the people who elected them. For me to change my mind, Democrats will have to push everything through reconciliation in the Senete while bypassing the House or at least start obstructing Republicans every step of the way starting now.

British Conservatives are better people then American Conservatives

I’ve been reading about this for some time now, but it wasn’t that high
on my priority list. The Conservative party ruled Parliament or more
accurately the Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition is on it’s way to
grant anonymity to rape those accused of rape.

Anyone against this obviously has a pro rape agenda, as gender
ranch community needs women to be placed as perpetual victims to remain
in power. Your eyes are not lying to you, I really did type that. This
shows that the female members of parliament are against this, offended
that a man can even be considered a victim of a false rap claim.

Contrary to poplar belief anonymity for defendants will not stop real
victims from coming forward when evidence shows that the opposite is
true. Police officers if their not incompetent will eventually find out
if an accuser has really been raped on not. The guys at the False Rape
Society can explain this better then I can.
Case & point the right wing in this country is too pussy whipped to ever consider pushing anonymity for rape defendants, if not they would have all ready tried it when they were in power.

Last but not least we have a video of Bill Maher explaining how childish
the conservatives on our side of the pond are compared to the Brits.

Senate Democrats(and feminists ) have thrown young people under the bus

The Senate Democrats have betrayed the young people of America.
Extending Medicare to old people under fifty five who don’t deserve it? What the fuck? The stupid boomers who spend it on super expensive cars for themselves, and cougar adoring mangina or sluts into marrying them so they can feel "sexy" and "youthful". What the fuck Senate Democrats?

For this act of treachery I hope medicare and social security fails, because they have betrayed their grandchildren, their sons, and their daughters. That’s it, if they try to force me to buy expensive insurance that I can’t for the life of me will never be able to afford I’ll be calling the Cochran firm to form a lawsuit instead. It certainly is a much better use of my money then private health insurance, I know I can’t afford the Maryland Health Insurance Plan that the state offers and I don’t want to deal with HMO’s.

If this bullshit passed Obama will be a one term President, as I doubt the men and women around my age group who voted for him will to do so now. It’s quite obvious that the mangina in chief doesn’t care about main street, but Wall street on the other hand…….
Senate Republicans and Democrats have shown as their true colors, Conservatives a color slimier to one you puke out stomach acid and the Democrats yellow. Go fuck yourselves DC Villagers, you people have done nothing but show the rest of America that your complacent with the bullshit that goes on Capital Hill for far too long. I know some of you may think I’m over reacting, but this is the typical bullshit Marylanders like myself have witnessed from the Villagers for years.
 Seriously, the center right morons of the Village have been nothing been nothing but a fucking disappointment. Their complacency with the status-quo has been evident ever since the Bush Administration let big business(conservative
manginas who call people sexist for criticizing someone with a cunt are hypocrites) , Feminism and Wall Street to run wild.

Now they have another compromise. This is health plans run by the Office of Personnel Management, effectively throwing out the public option and giving bail outs for the insurance companies. This is just a worthless hand out like a "health-care coupon" for people twenty to thirty five and socialism for the rich, boomers and the rest of the snobs.
I think it’s time to take down the District’s "House of Lords". If they really gave a flying shit they would have forced single payer down the conservative Democrats throats by using budget reconciliation. Now it’s just obvious that the "House of Lords" just doesn’t care.

If you don’t think feminism only cares about rich white women, then see this NOW going on about cosmetic and plastic surgery taxes is the kind of shit they have been focusing instead of single payer. Pathetic, and the so called real "feminists" have done nothing but make excuses. Thanks for throwing your, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters under the bus so you can justify female vanity, instead of fighting for single payer or at least the public option like you should have been doing.

As far as I’m concerned real liberalism is dying. Big business,
feminist and Wall Street (those three things may as well be one in the
same) support of the House of lords is the coffin.

Turns its the worthless public trigger option. Way to fail there Harry Reid and President Obama. Looks like the only change we’re getting is to the insurance companies.

Research Finds that Atheists are Most Hated and Distrusted Minority

I decided to fellow on this subject.  It’s not homosexuals who are the most hated in the west, nor is it Islamic or Jewish people.Atheists are now the most hated and distrusted minority in America.


"This group does not at all agree with my vision of American society…

Atheist: 39.6%

Muslims: 26.3%

Homosexuals: 22.6%

Hispanics: 20%

Conservative Christians: 13.5%

Recent Immigrants: 12.5%

Jews: 7.6%

I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group….

Atheist: 47.6%

Muslim: 33.5%

African-American 27.2%

Asian-Americans: 18.5%

Hispanics: 18.5%

Jews: 11.8%

Conservative Christians: 6.9%

Whites: 2.3%

The degree of this intolerance is a bit surprising. My experience has taught me that atheists tend to be very intelligent, thoughtful people with a high standard of ethics that they carry through to their everyday lives.

So why the fear, why the hatred? This situation is not the norm for
most of the planet. Most East and South Asian countries don’t exhibit
this fear of atheists or agnostics. In fact, many of these countries
have a significant portion of their population that does not believe in
any deity.

European countries have large portions of the population that are atheist.
There is not the mass discrimination there based on one’s freedom to
believe or not to believe. About the only places in the world that tend
to have intolerant attitudes are nations with strong monotheistic
cultures, such as both latin and anglo America, and the Islamic
countries (particularly Turkey).

Considering that atheist nations are more peaceful,
it seems particularly odd that there would be a predilection towards
animosity towards atheists. When one group is being discriminated
against, it detracts from the freedoms of every group. A society based
on tolerance must support the rights of minority groups, including

I personally find it to be very ironic that the only group of people with any real moral values left in America and the Western world, to be the most feared.

Now my fellow Men’s Rights Activists will know what I mean when I call faith in things like a "god" a feminized value. Any man or woman with in the Men’s Rights movement who doesn’t cast away their delusion of a supreme being is still in danger of being co-oped into the Matriarchy. However I am starting to think people who do not abandon the Church, Mosque, the Synagogue and any notions of believe what so ever might not be worth saving from the feminist zombie horde.

Real Time New Rules: Repeal DADT

A lot lot zingers this time.

"It’s like Where’s Waldo for wing nuts"

"If you dropping a bag off on my porch, it better be a bag full of weed."

"or as I call it, the million mo march"

"Here in the Army we’re all about honor. And trusting the man next to
you. Now lie to my face about your sexuality, Johnson, or I’ll report
you behind your back"

"Do it because it’ll make Rush Limbaugh explode like a bag full of meat
dropped from a helicopter. "
"Do it because it’ll make Sarah Palin go
rogue in her pants."

Real Time New Rules: Roverrated

Mackenzie Phillips ewwww, any women that has ever had sex with her father should be slapped with a divorce and have her cunt quarantined. I don’t care if it makes me sound like a heartless jerk. There really is no excuse for drinking that much.

On a less disturbing note. Maher covers the laziness of the Democrats in Congress, they really need to get their fat asses in gear. If Obama and the Democratic Congress fail on health care it shouldn’t be to difficult to guess that a lot of people will jump ship to form a real liberal party. One that isn’t held back by the views of the extremist fringe on our side of the aisle made up of environmental terrorists, feminists and morons that take money from insurance companies.

Barney Frank owns astroturf morons

A full video of what went down last week when Barney Frank totally pawned a stupid woman. That bimbo deserved it for depicting a President who’s has no connection to the Nazis as Hitler.*coughPrescottBushcough*
This one has Frank exposing the astroturfers as the morons they are.
If more gay men where like Barney Frank, I’d have more then a tiny iota of respect for them.