Category Archives: Games

Cloverfield :Source , Half Life 2 converstion

Heads up kaiju fans.The last Cloverfield style mod switched to the Unreal engine. This time it’s actually set in the Cloverfield universe instead being based on it.

The video allows you to see how advanced the animation and physics of the Source Engine are compared to most newer games.

I’ll get back to commenting on the stupidity of feminists and Republicans soon.

Meet the Spy, and Team Fortress 2 is $10 dollars this weekend only.

Other then bitching about slutty bratty feminists and moron Republicans, I sometimes post blogs about video games.

Go buy TF2 ten dollars this weekend only, then while you wait for it to download, get some laughs by Meeting the Spy.

If you don’t have Steam installed do it, its the one anti pirating software that doesn’t fuck up your computer. Plus more, sometimes they have discounts that cannot be found anywhere else. Which is great for a cheap ass like me.

Black Mesa trailer music

Remember this trailer for Black Mesa a few months back, now you can get the music from it. It’s by their composer Joel Nielsen , who will remake most of the music from Half Life due to copy wright issues. Most of the music from a ten year old game would sound dated anyways.

Some music from the mod can be downloaded here. I’ve replaced the final boss music in Half Life and Half Life:Source with the trailer music.

Also (imitates the voice of the Gman) "Prepare for unforeseen consequences".