Category Archives: Dumb ass people

Hurricane Sandy aftermath: Climate change is the elephant in the room


One of the major fails of our media coverage about Hurricane Sandy is the biggest elephant in the room that most people avert their eyes too. There are even several posts on this website made by denialist cooperate morons(at least one is a fur fag so that makes his credibility questionable) and the dumbest members of dA agree with them. A hundred dollar toy doesn’t make you an expert on anything anymore than wearing an army uniform and an M16 make you a soldier without

The only network that even had serious discussion about climate change is Current TV, so much for the the right wing myth of a liberal media. The network barely has anything that can called news except for four hours daily. Their still fail though as much of their coverage was based around the election.

Of course right wing nut jobs would say that Obama has a pro global warming agenda because of the appearance of one the administration’s adviser. However a a Professor is a lot more credible than a right wing blogger. Hurricanes in the North East were quite rare until last year as until Irene in 2011.

Not even the fail that is MSNBC had that much while I was watching online streams. The joke being that NBC is liberal when its mostly DC villager talking points all day except Prime time and Martin Bashir. America has become the opposite of Winston Churchill’s times. Liberal is the thinking of an adult, conservative is the mentally of a child. However evidence shows that even he did exactly what I just said and Britain’s political spectrum are nothing like ours.

Such childish thinking is why morons like Bob Lutz was fired from GM.

If you still deny that Climate Change isn’t happening your a right wing moron that frequents right wing corporate propaganda blogs while trumpeting anti science false hoods as facts. As the deaths of Hurricane Sandy victims are on you.

Atheism Plus: Feminists attemping to subvert Atheism

As if they didn’t have the manginas who call themselves liberals and the social conservatives in their pockets. Feminists are trying to usurp what it means to be an Atheist. Really ironic since the dogmatic beliefs of feminists are the exact opposite of atheism. Feminists can’t be atheists by any real means as it requires religious beliefs to think how they do. My answer to JohntheOther’s question is a solid yes. These people have created a hate movement. It’s nothing sort of mental dementia to counter religious thinking with more religion.

I also put a very accurate definition on Urban Dictionary as to who these people really are. I probably should have put “White female privilege” but it would have been rejected due to race baiting.

Apparently there is some bimbo who thinks her brand of feminism isn’t her own self appointed religion that somehow found this rather very hard to find blog. When in reality she just substituted Catholicism with feminism.

I already filtered out hate posts from her followers. I reiterate that feminists will never count as atheists. As like Catholics, Christians, Muslims and even a minority of Jews. Feminism share dogmatic beliefs and go after anybody who doesn’t share their own diluted views. It due to people like her that “atheism,atheist,and secularism” have become dirty words.

Land Whale version of the Bachelor

Men who are attracted to the land whales must have some kinda of mental illness, this is just more narcissism from the westernized skanks. But this is what you get when you have a culture that idolizes sluts and with feminist organizations run by land whales.

I really wanted to post about something different this time, but I have to make people aware of a big example of "epic fail".

Another reason I bash feminism and American women

You won’t be getting any respect from me when the American skank holds an attitude that makes me want to treat all people like human garbage. You have no right to complain when your rejected for being a fat cow when you reject shorter man. It is possible to loose weight, but impossible for a man to grow taller to the six foot dumb ass you fantasize about.