Real Time New Rules: Roverrated

Mackenzie Phillips ewwww, any women that has ever had sex with her father should be slapped with a divorce and have her cunt quarantined. I don’t care if it makes me sound like a heartless jerk. There really is no excuse for drinking that much.

On a less disturbing note. Maher covers the laziness of the Democrats in Congress, they really need to get their fat asses in gear. If Obama and the Democratic Congress fail on health care it shouldn’t be to difficult to guess that a lot of people will jump ship to form a real liberal party. One that isn’t held back by the views of the extremist fringe on our side of the aisle made up of environmental terrorists, feminists and morons that take money from insurance companies.

Similarities I have noticed between Feminists and Republicans

Here’s a few observations I have made.

Old Republican men want to fuck younger women and want young men to accept their used goods when they get tired of them.
Feminist women want to marry rich men, divorce them and still want young men to fuck their used up black colored pussies.

Both want people who disgree with them put in jail or tried for treason.

Feminists and Republicans want to enact their deluded values on other "less developed nations".

Feminist men and Republican men think virgin men like myself should be as pussy whipped as they are and should be happy settling for their "used goods".

Feminist women and Republican men have a hatred of foreigners but make exceptions when they want to have sex. Then they turn around and chastise younger men like myself when we want foreign wives who are not used up sluts.

Feminists and Republicans enable and encourage human stupidity instead of criticizing and ostracizing it. (see the Epic Fail and Epic win stuff for examples)

Epic Fail & Epic Win #3. Now with Real Time New rules

The reason I didn’t post this earlier is because I was waiting for the New Rules video.

#1. "Epic fail" to the Nassau County District Attorneys office for be believing  Danmell Ndonye lie that she was raped by five guys.

#2. Also "epic fail" to the femensits as usual for being clueless on the issue of False Rape reports. I wonder if they’ll still blame the man if their brother,husband, father or son is falsely accused of rape by some hysterical woman.

#3. "Epic Win" to my fellow Maryland-ers at the University of Maryland for being informed about health care.

#4. "Epic Win" to the Transformers crew for the live action films for bashing that talentless skank Megan Fox.

#5 "Epic fail" to anyone dumb enough to defend this dumb cunt.

#6 Megan Fox gets "epic fail" each for not doing the world a favor and killing herself.

#7 "Epic Win" to Federal Judge Clay who is preparing to slap right wing retard Orly Taitz with a ten thousand dollar fine. How did this twit ever becoming a lawyer in the first place, I have a few insulting guesses and prognostications about the woman sleeping with her collage professors.


Finally, what your really here for. The weekly "Real Time New Rules" with Bill Maher. As you can guess Maher gets an "epic win".

Epic fail & Epic win! Episode 2

Eight more entries, good thing human stupidity gives me enough materiel every week.

#1 "Epic fail" to GOP, morons Jean Schmidt and Joe Wilson.

#2 Keith Olbermann gets an "Epic Win" for pointing out their stupidity.

#3 "Epic fail" to GOP Minority Whip for "tweeting" during President Obama’s speech during the joint session of Congress during yesterday.

#4 "Epic fail" to Harriet Harman for even existing. This crazy women is the face of modern feminism. They continue to make up rape spastics so they can lie about men and keep those that don’t make six figures a year in perpetual poverty or in jail. Good thing I don’t live in the British isles. If you do and are a man, get the fuck out before you get arrested on a trumped up charge for having a penis.

#5 "Epic fail" to the Brits for allowing her to be elected to office in the first place.

#6 "Epic fail" to Gordon Brown for choosing the dumb cunt as his Vice Prime-minister.

#7 "Epic Lulz" to a man who escaped a French prison in a cardboard box. You’d think a country that has the most overpowered assault rifle(the Famas) in the world have better security or at least be less genre blind. So the French justice system gets an "Epic fail".

#8 Of course I have to give the French an "Epic Win" for making an assault rifle that
has firepower comparable to the M249 light machine gun.

Epic fail & Epic win! Episode 1

Welcome to what I hope to be a weekly installment, where I mock the stupid people of society and congratulate those who I think are awesome human beings.



I usually have contempt for jocks, but this guy doesn’t deserve my hate. Kaleb Eulls saves a bus full of his fellow High Schoolers from being shot by crazy 14 year old girl. So for that, Eull gets an "Epic Win"


Also before any feminists and other female criminal apologists justify her actions by giving her the typical excuses for it, I give them an "Epic fail" ahead of time.


 An "epic fail" to Duke University for not learning their lessons from the Duke lacrosse scandal. They have just intuited new polices that will increase false rape claims.



:Epic fail" to the MSNBC moron conservative pundit Pat Buchanan for defending and engage in apologetics for Adolf Hitler.


Also an epic fail to MSNBC for not firing this moron.


"Epic fail" to the Redskins for suing their own fans. I’m ashamed that their owner has the same last name as me. By Zarqaun I hope we’re not related.


"Epic Win" to the satirical group "Billionaires for Wealthcare" just watch the video.

Exposing feminist hypocrisy

Lurking on both feminist websites and MRA sites has proven the fact that feminists are using  "George Sodini " as a manufactured villain to spread misandry.

As a Men’s rights advocates I view Sodini as a moron for obsessing about Westernized skanks and spending the money to buy guns instead of using it to travel aboard to meet real women not infested with the mental illness known as radical feminism.

Also I another one from the False rape society as well.

False rape accusations harm all victims of rape for both genders. I all ready mistrust most young women in this country, but that’s because I might catch an airborne venereal disease.