British Conservatives are better people then American Conservatives

I’ve been reading about this for some time now, but it wasn’t that high
on my priority list. The Conservative party ruled Parliament or more
accurately the Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition is on it’s way to
grant anonymity to rape those accused of rape.

Anyone against this obviously has a pro rape agenda, as gender
ranch community needs women to be placed as perpetual victims to remain
in power. Your eyes are not lying to you, I really did type that. This
shows that the female members of parliament are against this, offended
that a man can even be considered a victim of a false rap claim.

Contrary to poplar belief anonymity for defendants will not stop real
victims from coming forward when evidence shows that the opposite is
true. Police officers if their not incompetent will eventually find out
if an accuser has really been raped on not. The guys at the False Rape
Society can explain this better then I can.
Case & point the right wing in this country is too pussy whipped to ever consider pushing anonymity for rape defendants, if not they would have all ready tried it when they were in power.

Last but not least we have a video of Bill Maher explaining how childish
the conservatives on our side of the pond are compared to the Brits.