Category Archives: Uncategorized

Republicans gain Senate, I blame feminists

Why? Because they blame a non existent Patriarchy instead of Conservatives.
They tried to co-op the entirety of the Atheist movement with Atheism Plus. Just because an over privileged white woman was hit on in an elevator. Propped up their own version of Sarah Palin. They attacked their fellow liberals instead of standing with us. They turned into Communist Social Justice Warriors instead of standing with real Progressives.
Instead of supporting Marijuana decriminalization they instead fought to keep it illegal. Just so more men convicted of this misdemeanor will be kept in jail.
It’s feminists fault that the First Black President will be a lame duck.
American as we know it will not survive to 2016. Be ready for a second great depression and war being declared against and In Syria. The Rich will get Richer. Taxes for the middle class will increase. Potential Right Wing Terrorists will be emboldened. Feminists won’t care cause they will benefit from with siding with Republicans regardless. They only support white women at the expense of everyone else. Hell my own parents are going to loose their own jobs because Republicans hate the health care industry(mom works there) and my dad works for the government.
Because of Feminists lack of support for real liberal causes. Obama Care will be repealed. The New Deal will be repelled. Abortion clinics will be closed. Our military will be bankrupt because they will be forced to be the worst Fighter plane ever.

Solution to gun violence AR15’s are shit, only the crazy hicks kill people with them, so ban the AR-15

So responsible gun owners can keep their weapons. These crazy rednecks can’t process in their heads to using any other assault rifle, so this will cut down on mass killings. As for gang crime, you need something small like a UZI. The Jews make better guns then us anyways, and these are aftermarket guns that were covered in the Assault Weapons ban.

In militaries that aren’t America M16’s and M4’s are quickly becoming rear echelon rifles if they aren’t already. Plus them socialist bullpups and guns like the ARX-160, FN’s(SCAR AND FNC) are superior in every way. Even our Army wants to replace the M4 (it’s just a cut down M16) because Colts junk is a POS that needed to be fixed by FN. What other army uses a shitty fifty year old gun with plastic and fancy tacticool shit on it? A third world one maybe. Even the Tavor and AUG come in carbine forms, and the while France has the Famas that thing is fraken overpowered as it strips the brass off of 5.56 rounds. So they need to get rid of it or buy steel bullets which cost a lot more.

You also don’t see owners of bullpups and AR-18 derivatives killing people in mass. Mostly because these dumb hicks can’t handle a the recoil of a superior firearm so they have to bash them and ignore the fact that must bullpups are ambidextrous. You gotta be a lazy hick if you can’t be bothered to move some gun parts around yourself, and any bullpup that isn’t ambidextrous is before the Steyr AUG (better magazines than the STANAG) an AK conversion or the engineers need to be fired.

Also do we really need sub machine guns for self protection? Most of these are 9mm well it’s meant to maim instead of kill and inferior to PDW calibers. I would suggest .45 but the 1911 is one of the most overrated and overly expensive pistol of all time. A thousands dollars for a pistol is a ripoff but don’t tell that to dumb hicks. Hell Colt even managed to scam the Marine-Core top brass into buying more of them, so guess we can see more dead service members because of Colts junk. So yes the 1911 is inferior to a .45 Glock, CZ, the PX4 Storm and half the price. Than again I doubt hicks are too dumb to buy them because their not made in “Emerica”

These people are stupid enough to believe that their guns will protect them from the military, who have superior hardware(ie. the FN’s, the HK’s and upgraded M14’s). Nor will you see them coming since no hick can train themselves to be as good as a military sniper and their spotter, their tech makes them better shots in addition to superior training. Even an M1A2 can track a moving vehicle and remain stationary before the crew decides to blind you with air burst rounds.

In short, if I can’t buy some of my favorite guns anymore I’ll know who to blame. These people that are against even the weakest of gun control measures are ruining it for everyone else.

Also I blame Ronald Regan for getting shot so I can’t own a proper AUG.

They say there is another guy with the same username as me out there

I learned something from the recent wfp+(white female privilege plus aka atheism plus) debacle. I am indeed the author of the definition on Urban Dictionary. I could have done worse and added more race baiting language like I just did.

Apparently this guy is some femi moron who goes by just Oolon. My user name comes from a book by the great late author Douglas Adams of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy . My user handle  is coined after a character that he created named Oolon Colluphid, and the author of books on using the Babel fish to disprove god. I have no idea who this other moron is.

Here is the reason I am an anti-feminist . You dumb fuckers have been laxed & selective in your outrage tactics just like the Republicans. That is not how liberals should act. Since when was this OK for supposed liberals to do?
Feminists and Republicans should be ashamed of themselves but you can’t shame people that are too dumb and ideological to have any.
I am so far to the fucking left I make most of the fucking femi’s look like Rockefeller Republicans . I also have a certain amount of Schadenfreude that leads to mock people that I perceive to be morons on any spectrum.

As a closer I’ll mangle a quote from the brilliant Lawrence O’Donnell ” “I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to ‘progressive’, ‘feminist’ or ‘atheist plus’. Liberals amuse me. I am a socialist. I lie to the extreme left, the extreme left of you mere liberals”.

Atheism Plus: Feminists attemping to subvert Atheism

As if they didn’t have the manginas who call themselves liberals and the social conservatives in their pockets. Feminists are trying to usurp what it means to be an Atheist. Really ironic since the dogmatic beliefs of feminists are the exact opposite of atheism. Feminists can’t be atheists by any real means as it requires religious beliefs to think how they do. My answer to JohntheOther’s question is a solid yes. These people have created a hate movement. It’s nothing sort of mental dementia to counter religious thinking with more religion.

I also put a very accurate definition on Urban Dictionary as to who these people really are. I probably should have put “White female privilege” but it would have been rejected due to race baiting.

Apparently there is some bimbo who thinks her brand of feminism isn’t her own self appointed religion that somehow found this rather very hard to find blog. When in reality she just substituted Catholicism with feminism.

I already filtered out hate posts from her followers. I reiterate that feminists will never count as atheists. As like Catholics, Christians, Muslims and even a minority of Jews. Feminism share dogmatic beliefs and go after anybody who doesn’t share their own diluted views. It due to people like her that “atheism,atheist,and secularism” have become dirty words.

First of all, I believe all marriage is wrong.

Ed Wuncler: What’s your position on Gay Marriage?
Robert Freeman: Well, first of all, I believe all marriage is wrong!

Now that El presidente is pretending to be a social liberal on TV, I may as well start a rant. The only reason I even support gay marrige is because it’s Conservative version of big government, which they have been pushing on the American people for the last twelve years despite being against it.

Most Men’s Rights activist all ready know that marriage is a scam and has been for years. The divorce courts favor women, she can initiate when she fails in the least slighted by him. Men get arrested for standing up for themselves and its called “domestic violence”. Only somebody who buys into the feminist religion would tell you that this is how things should be and they even exploit homosexuals for their Marxist agenda.
When there are hundred of lonely overly coddled early twenty to late thirties women by feminist studies skanks who can’t find a man because their sluts, arrogant bimbos or fat asses too deluded think a man would them the next thing that will happen a bachelors tax and it probably wont discriminate between gay or straight men. This will happen because America is a actually a backwards misandrist nation and the femimarxists will garner help from the social conservatives to get their way if the supposedly liberal democratic party aren’t dumb to go along with it first.

Good riddence to Andrew Breitbart

A piece of human garbage is dead, this scumbag was the mentor of James Okeef , a right wing lair and mullah to conservatives. There is all ready a movement to get the Westburo Baptist Church to protest his funeral, because their publicity whores they would do it, or they could just Photoshop themselves into it like they did in a photo taken outside Whitney Houston’s.

Where I make fun of Sqaure Enix again.

Final Fantasy seven is a rip off of Six.

I found this on the Nuklear power forums years ago, can’t find this with Google. This brand of snark is done by SimaMatt.

Also where the frak is FF Versus XIII, I swear if if I ever get a PS3 the first game I’m getting for it is the Metal Gear Solid 4 or the HD collection (btw 2nd boss fight theme against Peace Walker , pure awesomeness. click for epicness
The JRPG is pretty much a dying except for those made by Atlus. When first person shooters(Half Life , Halo etc) or third person action games(like Metal Gear) have better plot, writing and characterization you know something is wrong.

Grandfather just had a stroke

My grandfather just had a stroke just before Hurricane Irene and I visited him with my family, he lives a state right next to us. (we live in Maryland, him and his wife Delaware. Yeah he was divorced from dad’s mom. She’s crazy in the head and that’s just what I think) He’s in good condition and was actually told to dumb his speech down. He’s smart guy so that has to be a pain in the ass.

This is something I wouldn’t blog about but apparently these are health issues that run in the family, because his brother died(who I never knew) recently and I was told my dad has the same high blood pressure issues. That means I should starting trying to lose those four pounds I gained back and an extra two to reach my idle weight, so I don’t get a heart attack like my other family members.

The Better Davis Society aka why MRA’s hate marrige 2.0
A new article from the Spearhead as way Mens Right Activists support not getting married, and a new term for men who shame others into marring worthless American sluts who just divorce them. This kind of crap make me glad I’ve yet to stick my penis in a vagina, ass, or engaged in any sexual activity beyond masturbation, but than again I’ve never even reached first base yet, ever. That doesn’t prevent me from being a bitter cynic though, because cynicism is it’s own kind of fun.